Avalanche cryptocurrency is a platform developed by Ava Labs, which allows anyone to create their own multifunctional blockchains and decentralized applications (dApps). The system is designed to eliminate some of the limitations of older platforms, including low transaction speed, centralization and scalability. To do this, the project uses its own innovations. First of all, they include the unique Avalanche consensus protocol, which shows low latency, high throughput and resistance to attacks.
News about Avalanche
03 Mar 2023, 04:00
RT @AvalyticsXYZ: UPDATE
- Buy NFTs from Avalytics with one click!
In the beta we aggregate data from @joepegsnft, @GetKalao, and @chikn_…
RT @AvalyticsXYZ: UPDATE. - Buy NFTs from Avalytics with one click.RT @AvalyticsXYZ: UPDATE
- Buy NFTs from Avalytics with one click!
In the beta we aggregate data from @joepegsnft, @GetKalao, and @chikn_…
03 Mar 2023, 02:00
RT @P2EAnalytics: 🎮 We're shining the spotlight on @avalancheavax gaming subnets.
Included in this report:
🔸 @swimmer_network
🔸 @PulsarGa…
RT @P2EAnalytics: We're shining the spotlight on @avalancheavax gaming subnets. Included in this report:. @swimmer_network.RT @P2EAnalytics: 🎮 We're shining the spotlight on @avalancheavax gaming subnets.
Included in this report:
🔸 @swimmer_network
🔸 @PulsarGa…
03 Mar 2023, 00:30
Innovation is happening everywhere on Avalanche, and there's one place to get a rundown of the top ecosystem developments— All Access with @el33th4xor 🙏
Tune in live Friday at 1pm ET, right here on Twitter and on YouTube:
Innovation is happening everywhere on Avalanche, and there's one place to get a rundown of the top ecosystem developments— All AInnovation is happening everywhere on Avalanche, and there's one place to get a rundown of the top ecosystem developments— All Access with @el33th4xor 🙏
Tune in live Friday at 1pm ET, right here on Twitter and on YouTube: https://t.co/Buv29Z2VEy https://t.co/1yh9xZKiol
02 Mar 2023, 20:56
$BTC.b allows anyone, anywhere to upgrade $BTC into an asset that can be used across the #Avalanche DeFi ecosystem.
Bridge Bitcoin to Avalanche using Core today:
Over $200M of bitcoin has been bridged to #Avalanche $BTC.b
b allows anyone, anywhere to upgrade $BTC into an asset that can be used across the #Avalanche DeFi ecosystem.$BTC.b allows anyone, anywhere to upgrade $BTC into an asset that can be used across the #Avalanche DeFi ecosystem.
Bridge Bitcoin to Avalanche using Core today: https://t.co/zDClrJicKM https://t.co/DmGadJzr1Z
Over $200M of bitcoin has been bridged to #Avalanche $BTC.b https://t.co/rQiVxBOC9l
02 Mar 2023, 20:07
RT @Andyvargtz: 🤯🤯 Y cuando uno creía que superar el volumen de Lightning Network era bastante BTC en #Avalanche , llega un Bridgeooooor a…
RT @Andyvargtz: Y cuando uno creía que superar el volumen de Lightning Network era bastante BTC en #Avalanche , llega un BridgeoRT @Andyvargtz: 🤯🤯 Y cuando uno creía que superar el volumen de Lightning Network era bastante BTC en #Avalanche , llega un Bridgeooooor a…
02 Mar 2023, 19:41
Хотите узнать, как Avalanche и Amazon решают текущие проблемы инфраструктуры блокчейна и совместно работают над внедрением Web3 на предприятиях?
Shai Perednik, глобальный технический руководитель Web3 в AWS, присоединился к Ava Labs, чтобы погрузиться в тему сотрудничества. После вопросов и ответов Габриэль Кардона демонстрирует в реальном времени, как раскрутить узел и подсеть Avalanche с помощью AWS:
Хотите узнать, как Avalanche и Amazon решают текущие проблемы инфраструктуры блокчейна и совместно работают над внедрением Web3Хотите узнать, как Avalanche и Amazon решают текущие проблемы инфраструктуры блокчейна и совместно работают над внедрением Web3 на предприятиях?
Shai Perednik, глобальный технический руководитель Web3 в AWS, присоединился к Ava Labs, чтобы погрузиться в тему сотрудничества. После вопросов и ответов Габриэль Кардона демонстрирует в реальном времени, как раскрутить узел и подсеть Avalanche с помощью AWS: https://youtu.be/mMRKPYZV8VQ.
02 Mar 2023, 18:12
Want to learn how Avalanche and Amazon are tackling current blockchain infrastructure challenges, and working together to drive Web3 adoption for enterprises?
Shai Perednik, Global Web3 Tech Lead at AWS, joined Ava Labs to dive into the collaboration. After the Q&A, Gabriel Cardona gives a live demo of how to spin up an Avalanche Node and subnet using AWS:
Want to learn how Avalanche and Amazon are tackling current blockchain infrastructure challenges, and working together to driveWant to learn how Avalanche and Amazon are tackling current blockchain infrastructure challenges, and working together to drive Web3 adoption for enterprises?
Shai Perednik, Global Web3 Tech Lead at AWS, joined Ava Labs to dive into the collaboration. After the Q&A, Gabriel Cardona gives a live demo of how to spin up an Avalanche Node and subnet using AWS: https://youtu.be/mMRKPYZV8VQ
02 Mar 2023, 18:00
RT @BenqiFinance: Introducing Ignite🔥– the new base layer protocol for decentralized staking, designed to reduce costs to run Avalanche val…
RT @BenqiFinance: Introducing Ignite– the new base layer protocol for decentralized staking, designed to reduce costs to run AvaRT @BenqiFinance: Introducing Ignite🔥– the new base layer protocol for decentralized staking, designed to reduce costs to run Avalanche val…
02 Mar 2023, 17:00
02 Mar 2023, 16:31
Want to learn how #Avalanche and Amazon are tackling blockchain infrastructure challenges, and working together to drive Web3 adoption for enterprises?
@shaiss, Global Web3 Tech Lead at AWS, joined @avalabsofficial to talk about the collaboration:
Want to learn how #Avalanche and Amazon are tackling blockchain infrastructure challenges, and working together to drive Web3 adWant to learn how #Avalanche and Amazon are tackling blockchain infrastructure challenges, and working together to drive Web3 adoption for enterprises?
@shaiss, Global Web3 Tech Lead at AWS, joined @avalabsofficial to talk about the collaboration:
https://t.co/Iehi9MHUIa https://t.co/bmVGRKflc5
02 Mar 2023, 14:00
Сегодня в 20:00 команда Ava Labs снова будет готова ответить на все ваши вопросы в новом эфире In The Lab!
In The Lab is a weekly community forum to discuss the latest developments on Avalanche, and an open Q&A with the Ava Labs team 🗣️
Come connect today at 12pm ET 🤝
Сегодня в 20:00 команда Ava Labs снова будет готова ответить на все ваши вопросы в новом эфире In The Lab.Сегодня в 20:00 команда Ava Labs снова будет готова ответить на все ваши вопросы в новом эфире In The Lab! https://t.co/blrXns7Sfg
In The Lab is a weekly community forum to discuss the latest developments on Avalanche, and an open Q&A with the Ava Labs team 🗣️
Come connect today at 12pm ET 🤝
https://t.co/xTj2GyObbs https://t.co/BN1oUtMNvZ
02 Mar 2023, 12:39
グレイシャーAPIベータ版、#Avalanche とEthereumの強化されたブロックチェーンデータのためのワンストップショップ、およびアバランチサブネットのインデックスを付ける公式APIサービスをテストする最初の人になります。
グレイシャーAPIベータ版、#Avalanche とEthereumの強化されたブロックチェーンデータのためのワンストップショップ、およびアバランチサブネットのインデックスを付ける公式APIサービスをテストする最初の人になります。
02 Mar 2023, 12:00
RT @John1wu: The push to tokenize assets has been a constant driver of mine: starting from the later stages of my TradFi career, and now as…
RT @John1wu: The push to tokenize assets has been a constant driver of mine: starting from the later stages of my TradFi career,RT @John1wu: The push to tokenize assets has been a constant driver of mine: starting from the later stages of my TradFi career, and now as…
02 Mar 2023, 11:05
Avalanche「3•2」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (雪崩和numbersprotocol. 将于3月12日至15日在奥斯汀SXSW与项目、艺术家和创作者会面. 来创意产业博览会的展位#1714,了解雪崩上令人兴奋的艺术和nft计划).Avalanche「3•2」每日广播站:
02 Mar 2023, 10:15
[🧊 아발란체, Glacier API 베타 출시]
아발란체 생태계 내 모든 개발자분들 주목!🗣
아발란체 팀에서 개발자를 위한 One-stop-shop형 Glacier API 베타 버전을 출시했습니다.
Glacier API 베타를 통해 익스플로러, 지갑, 토큰 전송, 실시간/과거 트랜잭션 내역 등 다양한 범위의 데이터를 제공받을 수 있습니다.
🎁 베타 테스터를 위한 깜짝 선물!
Glacier API 베타를 시연해본 후 UX 설문지와 버그 리포트를 제출한 개발자분들에게 아발란체 한정판 굿즈를 선물로 드립니다.
더욱 자세한 설명은 아발란체 한국 공식 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺아발란체 공식 트위터
🔺아발란체 공식 미디엄
[ 아발란체, Glacier API 베타 출시]. 아발란체 생태계 내 모든 개발자분들 주목. 아발란체 팀에서 개발자를 위한 One-stop-shop형 Glacier API 베타 버전을 출시했습니다.[🧊 아발란체, Glacier API 베타 출시]
아발란체 생태계 내 모든 개발자분들 주목!🗣
아발란체 팀에서 개발자를 위한 One-stop-shop형 Glacier API 베타 버전을 출시했습니다.
Glacier API 베타를 통해 익스플로러, 지갑, 토큰 전송, 실시간/과거 트랜잭션 내역 등 다양한 범위의 데이터를 제공받을 수 있습니다.
🎁 베타 테스터를 위한 깜짝 선물!
Glacier API 베타를 시연해본 후 UX 설문지와 버그 리포트를 제출한 개발자분들에게 아발란체 한정판 굿즈를 선물로 드립니다.
더욱 자세한 설명은 아발란체 한국 공식 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺아발란체 공식 트위터
🔺아발란체 공식 미디엄
02 Mar 2023, 09:14
Вышло обновление Avalanche Go 1.9.10! Вы можете ознакомиться с изменениями здесь:
Вышло обновление Avalanche Go 1. Вы можете ознакомиться с изменениями здесь:.Вышло обновление Avalanche Go 1.9.10! Вы можете ознакомиться с изменениями здесь:
02 Mar 2023, 06:48
🇯🇵Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30)
全体進行 ( @RoiSarak )
・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 )
#Avalanche #AVAXJP #アバランチ
Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30). 全体進行 ( @RoiSarak ). ・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 ). ・質疑応答. ※出演者は変更になる場合があります。.🇯🇵Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30)
全体進行 ( @RoiSarak )
・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 )
#Avalanche #AVAXJP #アバランチ
02 Mar 2023, 04:00
RT @FundRaisinApp: We are humbled and honored to launch the next Fund Raisin campaign in conjunction with @MUAFNFT: Earthquake Relief Fund…
RT @FundRaisinApp: We are humbled and honored to launch the next Fund Raisin campaign in conjunction with @MUAFNFT: Earthquake RRT @FundRaisinApp: We are humbled and honored to launch the next Fund Raisin campaign in conjunction with @MUAFNFT: Earthquake Relief Fund…
02 Mar 2023, 03:02
RT @_patrickogrady: 🛠️ 🛠️ #Avalanche Banff 10 is out: 🛠️ 🛠️
This version (v1.9.10) is backwards compatible to v1.9…
RT @_patrickogrady: #Avalanche Banff 10 is out:. This version (v1. 10) is backwards compatible to v1.RT @_patrickogrady: 🛠️ 🛠️ #Avalanche Banff 10 is out: https://t.co/He99DWfRoE 🛠️ 🛠️
This version (v1.9.10) is backwards compatible to v1.9…
02 Mar 2023, 02:00
RT @NotifiNetwork: ❄️ ETH Denver Alpha Alert ❄️
We will be announcing support for a new blockchain next week ⛓
Stay tuned to learn more!…
RT @NotifiNetwork: ETH Denver Alpha Alert. We will be announcing support for a new blockchain next week.RT @NotifiNetwork: ❄️ ETH Denver Alpha Alert ❄️
We will be announcing support for a new blockchain next week ⛓
Stay tuned to learn more!…
01 Mar 2023, 21:59
Avalanche and @numbersprotocol will be in Austin March 12-15 to meet projects, artists, and creators at #SXSW!
Come by Booth #1714 at the Creative Industry Expo to learn about exciting plans for art and NFTs on #Avalanche
Avalanche and @numbersprotocol will be in Austin March 12-15 to meet projects, artists, and creators at #SXSW.Avalanche and @numbersprotocol will be in Austin March 12-15 to meet projects, artists, and creators at #SXSW!
Come by Booth #1714 at the Creative Industry Expo to learn about exciting plans for art and NFTs on #Avalanche https://t.co/CL7Y9QiEGa
01 Mar 2023, 20:00
RT @_patrickogrady: One of the most under-hyped projects @avalabsofficial has shipped IMO👀👀
Great work over the last 9 months from @conorl…
RT @_patrickogrady: One of the most under-hyped projects @avalabsofficial has shipped IMO.RT @_patrickogrady: One of the most under-hyped projects @avalabsofficial has shipped IMO👀👀
Great work over the last 9 months from @conorl…
01 Mar 2023, 18:19
الاتصال بجميع المطورين وبناة dApp ومشغلي Subnet 🗣️
كن أول من اختبر Glacier API Beta، ومتجرك الشامل لجميع بيانات blockchain الغنية للانهيار الجليدي و Ethereum، وفهرسة خدمة API الرسمية Avalanche Subnets.
الاتصال بجميع المطورين وبناة dApp ومشغلي Subnet.الاتصال بجميع المطورين وبناة dApp ومشغلي Subnet 🗣️
كن أول من اختبر Glacier API Beta، ومتجرك الشامل لجميع بيانات blockchain الغنية للانهيار الجليدي و Ethereum، وفهرسة خدمة API الرسمية Avalanche Subnets.
01 Mar 2023, 18:00
Tokeny is providing a scalable and easy-to-use platform for institutions to offer compliant tokenization of assets on #Avalanche
We are thrilled to announce that we have integrated with @avalancheavax to bring institutions a seamless and secure #tokenization solution for issuing, managing, and transferring real-world assets and securities on the #Avalanche #blockchain.
Tokeny is providing a scalable and easy-to-use platform for institutions to offer compliant tokenization of assets on #AvalancheTokeny is providing a scalable and easy-to-use platform for institutions to offer compliant tokenization of assets on #Avalanche https://t.co/cyg25GyBiF
We are thrilled to announce that we have integrated with @avalancheavax to bring institutions a seamless and secure #tokenization solution for issuing, managing, and transferring real-world assets and securities on the #Avalanche #blockchain.
01 Mar 2023, 16:30
RT @quant_network: Today, we're announcing our connectivity to the @avalancheavax blockchain via a new release of our #Overledger platform.…
RT @quant_network: Today, we're announcing our connectivity to the @avalancheavax blockchain via a new release of our #OverledgeRT @quant_network: Today, we're announcing our connectivity to the @avalancheavax blockchain via a new release of our #Overledger platform.…
01 Mar 2023, 15:17
¡Atención desarrolladores, creadores de dApp y operadores de Subnets! 🗣️
Sé el primero en probar la Beta de Glacier API, que proporciona datos blockchain para Avalanche y Ethereum, y es la API oficial para servicio de indexación de Subnets de #Avalanche.
¡Atención desarrolladores, creadores de dApp y operadores de Subnets.¡Atención desarrolladores, creadores de dApp y operadores de Subnets! 🗣️
Sé el primero en probar la Beta de Glacier API, que proporciona datos blockchain para Avalanche y Ethereum, y es la API oficial para servicio de indexación de Subnets de #Avalanche.
01 Mar 2023, 14:45
Calling all developers, dApp builders and Subnet operators! Be the first to test out the Glacier API Beta, your one-stop-shop for all enriched blockchain data for Avalanche and Ethereum and the official API service indexing Avalanche Subnets.
Glacier API will provide developers a wide range of useful data including explorer and wallet services, token transfers and more. It also powers the Avalanche Block Explorer and Core Wallet.
Learn more:
Calling all developers, dApp builders and Subnet operators.Calling all developers, dApp builders and Subnet operators! Be the first to test out the Glacier API Beta, your one-stop-shop for all enriched blockchain data for Avalanche and Ethereum and the official API service indexing Avalanche Subnets.
Glacier API will provide developers a wide range of useful data including explorer and wallet services, token transfers and more. It also powers the Avalanche Block Explorer and Core Wallet.
Learn more:
01 Mar 2023, 13:46
RT @intainft: As announcements by leading FIs over the last couple of months show, tokenized finance is gaining traction, not impacted by t…
RT @intainft: As announcements by leading FIs over the last couple of months show, tokenized finance is gaining traction, not imRT @intainft: As announcements by leading FIs over the last couple of months show, tokenized finance is gaining traction, not impacted by t…
01 Mar 2023, 09:38
3月2日下午4点,Portal Fantasy CEO Kasei 及 COO Milia 将和大家一起分享主题:《探索冒险+地图创建,像素RPG游戏》。
🔥优质提问奖(瓜分5 NFT):
🔥随机抽奖(抽取5 NFT)
活动截止时间:3月2日 18:00
雪人们,大家好. 3月2日下午4点,Portal Fantasy CEO Kasei 及 COO Milia 将和大家一起分享主题:《探索冒险+地图创建,像素RPG游戏》。. AMA地点:. 优质提问奖(瓜分5 NFT):.🔺雪人们,大家好!
3月2日下午4点,Portal Fantasy CEO Kasei 及 COO Milia 将和大家一起分享主题:《探索冒险+地图创建,像素RPG游戏》。
🔥优质提问奖(瓜分5 NFT):
🔥随机抽奖(抽取5 NFT)
活动截止时间:3月2日 18:00
01 Mar 2023, 04:00
RT @MetaOpsGaming: Are you looking for a playable first-person shooter on @avalancheavax?🤔
Then step into the world of #MetaOps: own your…
RT @MetaOpsGaming: Are you looking for a playable first-person shooter on @avalancheavax.RT @MetaOpsGaming: Are you looking for a playable first-person shooter on @avalancheavax?🤔
Then step into the world of #MetaOps: own your…
01 Mar 2023, 02:00
RT @avvydomains: Avalytics, an NFT data analytics platform, has added support for Avvy Domains. Human readable .avax domains help @Avalytic…
RT @avvydomains: Avalytics, an NFT data analytics platform, has added support for Avvy Domains. Human readable .RT @avvydomains: Avalytics, an NFT data analytics platform, has added support for Avvy Domains. Human readable .avax domains help @Avalytic…
28 Feb 2023, 16:38
Last week @anipandita, founder of Indian streaming giant @getloconow, joined #AvalancheSpaces to discuss why Loco #ChoseAvalanche to build a custom blockchain for the scale of their massive audience 🙏
Recap the full talk here:
Last week @anipandita, founder of Indian streaming giant @getloconow, joined #AvalancheSpaces to discuss why Loco #ChoseAvalanchLast week @anipandita, founder of Indian streaming giant @getloconow, joined #AvalancheSpaces to discuss why Loco #ChoseAvalanche to build a custom blockchain for the scale of their massive audience 🙏
Recap the full talk here: https://t.co/jSSPs9PnIk https://t.co/9sPuRl4ehW
28 Feb 2023, 06:00
RT @CoinFantasyIo: Keen on building #dApps? Look no further!💥
Join us at #BullsCornerDenver to meet folks from @avalancheavax & get all th…
RT @CoinFantasyIo: Keen on building #dApps. Look no further.RT @CoinFantasyIo: Keen on building #dApps? Look no further!💥
Join us at #BullsCornerDenver to meet folks from @avalancheavax & get all th…
28 Feb 2023, 04:00
RT @GamingOnAvax: Need to know what's happening in AVAX gaming this week?
Let's find out.
RT @GamingOnAvax: Need to know what's happening in AVAX gaming this week. Let's find out.RT @GamingOnAvax: Need to know what's happening in AVAX gaming this week?
Let's find out.
28 Feb 2023, 00:00
RT @ArtOnAvax: GM. If you had choose just one NFT from your collection to display in your home, which one you going with?
RT @ArtOnAvax: GM. If you had choose just one NFT from your collection to display in your home, which one you going with.RT @ArtOnAvax: GM. If you had choose just one NFT from your collection to display in your home, which one you going with?
27 Feb 2023, 20:00
RT @jceyonur: Subnet-EVM v0.4.10 is out! This release focused on precompile development. If you build your own precompiles, don't miss this…
RT @jceyonur: Subnet-EVM v0. 10 is out. This release focused on precompile development.RT @jceyonur: Subnet-EVM v0.4.10 is out! This release focused on precompile development. If you build your own precompiles, don't miss this…
27 Feb 2023, 18:00
RT @abdullahbumar: It’s time for Uniswap v3 to launch on @avalancheavax
After consulting with @avalabsofficial, we @UMichBlockchain have r…
RT @abdullahbumar: It's time for Uniswap v3 to launch on @avalancheavax.RT @abdullahbumar: It’s time for Uniswap v3 to launch on @avalancheavax
After consulting with @avalabsofficial, we @UMichBlockchain have r…
27 Feb 2023, 16:58
RT @GamingOnAvax: Subnets enable a no fee gaming experience for players.
RT @GamingOnAvax: Subnets enable a no fee gaming experience for players.27 Feb 2023, 14:00
In the inaugural episode of Money Moves, @MorganKrupetsky and @_PatrickSutton set out to demystify the world of tokenized real world assets–and explain how institutions are building these solutions on #Avalanche
Here’s the Spaces recording:
In the inaugural episode of Money Moves, @MorganKrupetsky and @_PatrickSutton set out to demystify the world of tokenized real wIn the inaugural episode of Money Moves, @MorganKrupetsky and @_PatrickSutton set out to demystify the world of tokenized real world assets–and explain how institutions are building these solutions on #Avalanche
Here’s the Spaces recording: https://t.co/NfracrRFkU https://t.co/6hMLiLTCZC
27 Feb 2023, 12:00
RT @el33th4xor: Patrick is developing a few projects live and in public. This is a great opportunity to learn from one of the best engineer…
RT @el33th4xor: Patrick is developing a few projects live and in public.RT @el33th4xor: Patrick is developing a few projects live and in public. This is a great opportunity to learn from one of the best engineer…
27 Feb 2023, 11:33
(雪崩被一家科技巨头 TencentGlobal 被选中了。ChoseAvalanche腾讯将Avalanche的技术提供给云中的数百万开发人员,他们现在可以访问快速节点部署和子网等工具。
Avalanche「2•27」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (Loco选择在子网上构建LegendsbyLoco,使用Avalanche来创建一个定制的区块链,以满足该平台的需求,并处理其已经庞大的用户群,同时保持网络费用和交易延迟低。).Avalanche「2•27」每日广播站:
(雪崩被一家科技巨头 TencentGlobal 被选中了。ChoseAvalanche腾讯将Avalanche的技术提供给云中的数百万开发人员,他们现在可以访问快速节点部署和子网等工具。
27 Feb 2023, 02:00
RT @CaesarJulius0: Hey #Avalanche community👋
Let's see what is happening on #AVAX ecosystem?
What does Avalanche Daily Brief cover?
RT @CaesarJulius0: Hey #Avalanche community. Let's see what is happening on #AVAX ecosystem.RT @CaesarJulius0: Hey #Avalanche community👋
Let's see what is happening on #AVAX ecosystem?
What does Avalanche Daily Brief cover?
27 Feb 2023, 00:00
RT @GamingOnAvax: GM to all the @DeFiKingdoms heroes!
RT @GamingOnAvax: GM to all the @DeFiKingdoms heroes.RT @GamingOnAvax: GM to all the @DeFiKingdoms heroes! https://t.co/Lk8TE7n47D
26 Feb 2023, 22:00
RT @el33th4xor: The future is multichain, and is making it easy to navigate.
RT @el33th4xor: The future is multichain, and is making it easy to navigate.RT @el33th4xor: The future is multichain, and https://t.co/3hQT04y2iH is making it easy to navigate. https://t.co/RTxaDKKjrz
26 Feb 2023, 20:00
ICYMI @DOS_Labs is building a new gaming ecosystem on an #Avalanche Subnet!
The @DOS_Chain will support exchanges, asset management and new SDKs (Unity, Unreal, and others) to help lower the barrier for developers to easily and quickly launch Web3 games!
ICYMI @DOS_Labs is building a new gaming ecosystem on an #Avalanche Subnet.ICYMI @DOS_Labs is building a new gaming ecosystem on an #Avalanche Subnet!
The @DOS_Chain will support exchanges, asset management and new SDKs (Unity, Unreal, and others) to help lower the barrier for developers to easily and quickly launch Web3 games!
26 Feb 2023, 18:00
Happy Sunday, time to catch up on the latest #AvalancheSpaces!
@dexalotcom recently joined to talk about the launch of the new central limit order book exchange, a dual-chain architecture bringing innovative design to #Avalanche DeFi 🤝
Happy Sunday, time to catch up on the latest #AvalancheSpaces.Happy Sunday, time to catch up on the latest #AvalancheSpaces!
@dexalotcom recently joined to talk about the launch of the new central limit order book exchange, a dual-chain architecture bringing innovative design to #Avalanche DeFi 🤝
https://t.co/2FBaOBinZj https://t.co/C4FPmh6miS
26 Feb 2023, 16:00
RT @_patrickogrady: If you were going to build a blockchain from scratch that was PERFECT for deploying rollups, what would it look like? A…
RT @_patrickogrady: If you were going to build a blockchain from scratch that was PERFECT for deploying rollups, what would it lRT @_patrickogrady: If you were going to build a blockchain from scratch that was PERFECT for deploying rollups, what would it look like? A…
26 Feb 2023, 14:00
Loco #ChoseAvalanche to build @LegendsbyLoco on a Subnet, to create a blockchain custom built for the needs of the platform and to handle its already huge user base, all while keeping network fees and transaction latency low 👊
Loco #ChoseAvalanche to build @LegendsbyLoco on a Subnet, to create a blockchain custom built for the needs of the platform andLoco #ChoseAvalanche to build @LegendsbyLoco on a Subnet, to create a blockchain custom built for the needs of the platform and to handle its already huge user base, all while keeping network fees and transaction latency low 👊
26 Feb 2023, 12:00
RT @justinkim415: Thank you @chainlink, @seanchungLINK, and @NickyKang0 for having @avalancheavax as a speaker and also on the panel discus…
RT @justinkim415: Thank you @chainlink, @seanchungLINK, and @NickyKang0 for having @avalancheavax as a speaker and also on the pRT @justinkim415: Thank you @chainlink, @seanchungLINK, and @NickyKang0 for having @avalancheavax as a speaker and also on the panel discus…
26 Feb 2023, 11:05
(TechCrunch报道,为什么腾讯选择 Avalanche 作为合作伙伴一起开拓全定制化的子网,和更多企业一起探索Web3之路。)
(24小时内就可以在#Avalanche HyperSDK之上创建一个属于你的区块链,所有功能都有:铸造、转让和交易用户创建的代币。https://github.com/ava-labs/hypersdk/pull/18)
(我最喜欢的 4 张来自Avalanche Park的照片,因为这是 Twitter 的限制。谢谢ed_balloon让我有机会把我的相机从退休状态带出来。
热爱工作与激情碰撞的时刻@avalancheavax @artonavax)
Avalanche「2•26」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (TechCrunch报道,为什么腾讯选择 Avalanche 作为合作伙伴一起开拓全定制化的子网,和更多企业一起探索Web3之路。).Avalanche「2•26」每日广播站:
(TechCrunch报道,为什么腾讯选择 Avalanche 作为合作伙伴一起开拓全定制化的子网,和更多企业一起探索Web3之路。)
(24小时内就可以在#Avalanche HyperSDK之上创建一个属于你的区块链,所有功能都有:铸造、转让和交易用户创建的代币。https://github.com/ava-labs/hypersdk/pull/18)
(我最喜欢的 4 张来自Avalanche Park的照片,因为这是 Twitter 的限制。谢谢ed_balloon让我有机会把我的相机从退休状态带出来。
热爱工作与激情碰撞的时刻@avalancheavax @artonavax)