Avalanche cryptocurrency is a platform developed by Ava Labs, which allows anyone to create their own multifunctional blockchains and decentralized applications (dApps). The system is designed to eliminate some of the limitations of older platforms, including low transaction speed, centralization and scalability. To do this, the project uses its own innovations. First of all, they include the unique Avalanche consensus protocol, which shows low latency, high throughput and resistance to attacks.
News about Avalanche
07 Feb 2023, 10:46
RT @raffllrr: 🇹🇷 🇸🇾Charity raffle
It has been a tragic 24 hours for our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria.
We have organized a ch…
RT @raffllrr: Charity raffle. It has been a tragic 24 hours for our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria.RT @raffllrr: 🇹🇷 🇸🇾Charity raffle
It has been a tragic 24 hours for our brothers and sisters in Turkey and Syria.
We have organized a ch…
07 Feb 2023, 08:42
#games #runekeeper #web3 #game #card
Rune Seeker, карточная стратегическая игра нового поколения, только что объявила о грядущем запуске на Avalanche!
1️⃣ Monster Studios выбрали Avalanche для запуска Rune Seeker, чтобы обеспечить скорость и масштабирование, необходимые для того, чтобы расширить свою игру до миллионов пользователей, играющих одновременно.
2️⃣ Rune Seekers - это пошаговая карточная стратегия, которая сочетает в себе тактическую глубину карточных игр с потенциалом владения активами, присущим для блокчейн-игр.
3️⃣ Карточные игры представляют собой огромную возможность для интеграции блокчейн-технологий: по оценкам, в 2023 году их доход составит 750 миллионов долларов.
#games #runekeeper #web3 #game #card.#games #runekeeper #web3 #game #card
Rune Seeker, карточная стратегическая игра нового поколения, только что объявила о грядущем запуске на Avalanche!
1️⃣ Monster Studios выбрали Avalanche для запуска Rune Seeker, чтобы обеспечить скорость и масштабирование, необходимые для того, чтобы расширить свою игру до миллионов пользователей, играющих одновременно.
2️⃣ Rune Seekers - это пошаговая карточная стратегия, которая сочетает в себе тактическую глубину карточных игр с потенциалом владения активами, присущим для блокчейн-игр.
3️⃣ Карточные игры представляют собой огромную возможность для интеграции блокчейн-технологий: по оценкам, в 2023 году их доход составит 750 миллионов долларов.
Подробнее: https://medium.com/ava-russia/rune-seeker-builds-next-generation-strategy-card-game-on-avalanche-952e69c4f226
07 Feb 2023, 08:00
RT @_patrickogrady: Join us tomorrow at 7pm UTC to chat all things #Avalanche!
If you have any specific questions, leave a comment on @Cry…
RT @_patrickogrady: Join us tomorrow at 7pm UTC to chat all things #Avalanche.RT @_patrickogrady: Join us tomorrow at 7pm UTC to chat all things #Avalanche!
If you have any specific questions, leave a comment on @Cry…
07 Feb 2023, 06:00
RT @AndrettiFE: It's finally here... 😍
#HyderabadEPrix // #AllAndretti
RT @AndrettiFE: It's finally here. RACE WEEK ️ WHO'S EXCITED. #HyderabadEPrix // #AllAndretti.RT @AndrettiFE: It's finally here... 😍
#HyderabadEPrix // #AllAndretti https://t.co/lZpxQzVAk0
07 Feb 2023, 05:10
Rune Seeker、次世代戦略カードゲームをアバランチ上で開発
by Avalanche-Japanese
Rune Seeker、次世代戦略カードゲームをアバランチ上で開発. by Avalanche-Japanese.Rune Seeker、次世代戦略カードゲームをアバランチ上で開発
by Avalanche-Japanese
07 Feb 2023, 04:00
RT @GoldStandardDAO: Introducing Gold Standard DAO - The yield aggregator that pays out in GOLD bullion!
RT @GoldStandardDAO: Introducing Gold Standard DAO - The yield aggregator that pays out in GOLD bullion.RT @GoldStandardDAO: Introducing Gold Standard DAO - The yield aggregator that pays out in GOLD bullion! https://t.co/QBpHxPxAzk
07 Feb 2023, 01:41
[💠 NFT 카드게임 룬시커(Rune Seeker), 아발란체 체인 론칭]
턴제 전략형 NFT 카드게임 "룬시커"가 아발란체 체인에 론칭합니다.
💠 룬시커는 왜 아발란체를 선택했을까요?
아발란체는 블록체인 게임에 최적화된 네트워크 환경을 제공하는 플랫폼입니다. 1초 미만 Finality 성능을 기반으로 빠른 처리속도를 제공함은 물론, 아발란체 팀이 디앱의 NFT 생태계 확장을 적극적으로 도와주기 때문입니다.
자세한 내용은 아발란체 한국 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
💠 룬시커 공식 트위터
[ NFT 카드게임 룬시커(Rune Seeker), 아발란체 체인 론칭]. 턴제 전략형 NFT 카드게임 "룬시커"가 아발란체 체인에 론칭합니다. 룬시커는 왜 아발란체를 선택했을까요.[💠 NFT 카드게임 룬시커(Rune Seeker), 아발란체 체인 론칭]
턴제 전략형 NFT 카드게임 "룬시커"가 아발란체 체인에 론칭합니다.
💠 룬시커는 왜 아발란체를 선택했을까요?
아발란체는 블록체인 게임에 최적화된 네트워크 환경을 제공하는 플랫폼입니다. 1초 미만 Finality 성능을 기반으로 빠른 처리속도를 제공함은 물론, 아발란체 팀이 디앱의 NFT 생태계 확장을 적극적으로 도와주기 때문입니다.
자세한 내용은 아발란체 한국 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
💠 룬시커 공식 트위터
07 Feb 2023, 00:00
RT @Cryptocito: Avalanche $AVAX explained LIVE tomorrow 7pm UTC with head of engineering @_PatrickOGrady 🔺
I have a lot of questions follo…
RT @Cryptocito: Avalanche $AVAX explained LIVE tomorrow 7pm UTC with head of engineering @_PatrickOGrady.RT @Cryptocito: Avalanche $AVAX explained LIVE tomorrow 7pm UTC with head of engineering @_PatrickOGrady 🔺
I have a lot of questions follo…
06 Feb 2023, 19:59
Rune Seeker, el juego de cartas de estrategia de última generación, acaba de anunciar su lanzamiento en Avalanche.
1️⃣ Monster Studios eligió Avalanche para lanzar Rune Seeker con el fin de proporcionar la velocidad y escalabilidad necesarias para llevar su juego a millones de usuarios simultáneos.
2️⃣ Rune Seeker es un juego de cartas de estrategia por turnos que combina la profundidad táctica de los juegos de cartas con el potencial de propiedad de los juegos de blockchain.
3️⃣ Los juegos de cartas representan una enorme oportunidad para la integración de blockchain, con ingresos estimados de 750 millones de dólares en 2023.
Más información:
Rune Seeker, el juego de cartas de estrategia de última generación, acaba de anunciar su lanzamiento en Avalanche.Rune Seeker, el juego de cartas de estrategia de última generación, acaba de anunciar su lanzamiento en Avalanche.
1️⃣ Monster Studios eligió Avalanche para lanzar Rune Seeker con el fin de proporcionar la velocidad y escalabilidad necesarias para llevar su juego a millones de usuarios simultáneos.
2️⃣ Rune Seeker es un juego de cartas de estrategia por turnos que combina la profundidad táctica de los juegos de cartas con el potencial de propiedad de los juegos de blockchain.
3️⃣ Los juegos de cartas representan una enorme oportunidad para la integración de blockchain, con ingresos estimados de 750 millones de dólares en 2023.
Más información:
06 Feb 2023, 17:53
Gaming on #Avalanche continues to grow!
Monster Studios, the team behind @runeseekerrunes, #ChoseAvalanche to launch their next generation strategy card game, Rune Seeker.
As a next-gen simultaneous turn-based strategy card game, Rune Seeker is designed to combine the tactical depth of traditional card games with the limitless technological potential of blockchain.
A free-to-play NFT game.
Prepare for the next bull run!
Gaming on #Avalanche continues to grow.Gaming on #Avalanche continues to grow!
Monster Studios, the team behind @runeseekerrunes, #ChoseAvalanche to launch their next generation strategy card game, Rune Seeker.
As a next-gen simultaneous turn-based strategy card game, Rune Seeker is designed to combine the tactical depth of traditional card games with the limitless technological potential of blockchain.
A free-to-play NFT game.
Prepare for the next bull run!
https://t.co/2b3NNoMU6I https://t.co/9wY5phjGA7
06 Feb 2023, 15:53
RT @RuneSeekerRUNES: 1/ We're thrilled to announce that Rune Seeker will run on the @Avalancheavax blockchain! We're impressed with the qua…
RT @RuneSeekerRUNES: 1/ We're thrilled to announce that Rune Seeker will run on the @Avalancheavax blockchain.RT @RuneSeekerRUNES: 1/ We're thrilled to announce that Rune Seeker will run on the @Avalancheavax blockchain! We're impressed with the qua…
06 Feb 2023, 14:35
RT @el33th4xor: Condolences to everyone affected by the earthquake in Turkey. Wishing for a quick rescue and recovery. Absolutely devastate…
RT @el33th4xor: Condolences to everyone affected by the earthquake in Turkey. Wishing for a quick rescue and recovery.RT @el33th4xor: Condolences to everyone affected by the earthquake in Turkey. Wishing for a quick rescue and recovery. Absolutely devastate…
06 Feb 2023, 13:00
ICYMI, top leaders from Ava Labs and AWS are hosting a panel this Wednesday to discuss how Avalanche and Amazon are building the best tools and infrastructure to help major enterprises build in Web3.
Register today for Powering Business with Blockchain:
ICYMI, top leaders from Ava Labs and AWS are hosting a panel this Wednesday to discuss how Avalanche and Amazon are building theICYMI, top leaders from Ava Labs and AWS are hosting a panel this Wednesday to discuss how Avalanche and Amazon are building the best tools and infrastructure to help major enterprises build in Web3.
Register today for Powering Business with Blockchain:
https://t.co/8OfN9VIJdk https://t.co/MWC9S6eEDE
06 Feb 2023, 12:00
RT @MorganKrupetsky: Having worked with @intainft for the past several months, we're thrilled for the launch of the IntainMARKETS Subnet on…
RT @MorganKrupetsky: Having worked with @intainft for the past several months, we're thrilled for the launch of the IntainMARKETRT @MorganKrupetsky: Having worked with @intainft for the past several months, we're thrilled for the launch of the IntainMARKETS Subnet on…
06 Feb 2023, 11:41
(开发人员聚焦:Usman Asim 在 Avalanche 上对 Rust 和 ZK 有很大的计划)
(Avalanche Explorer对所有P链数据进行了全新升级)
加密市场分析:比特币、以太币在 2 月份继续飙升
Avalanche「2•6」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (开发人员聚焦:Usman Asim 在 Avalanche 上对 Rust 和 ZK 有很大的计划). (Avalanche Explorer对所有P链数据进行了全新升级).Avalanche「2•6」每日广播站:
(开发人员聚焦:Usman Asim 在 Avalanche 上对 Rust 和 ZK 有很大的计划)
(Avalanche Explorer对所有P链数据进行了全新升级)
加密市场分析:比特币、以太币在 2 月份继续飙升
06 Feb 2023, 09:00
RT @DCGgamefi: The #Avalanche community has made #AurumDraconis a ground-breaking success. 🏆
Thanks to continuous feedback, we are ecstati…
RT @DCGgamefi: The #Avalanche community has made #AurumDraconis a ground-breaking success.RT @DCGgamefi: The #Avalanche community has made #AurumDraconis a ground-breaking success. 🏆
Thanks to continuous feedback, we are ecstati…
06 Feb 2023, 04:00
RT @LevelUpNFT_: GM @avalancheavax & @GamingOnAvax
We're live 🔥🆙
RT @LevelUpNFT_: GM @avalancheavax & @GamingOnAvax. We're live.RT @LevelUpNFT_: GM @avalancheavax & @GamingOnAvax
https://t.co/KHiCYEyKGI We're live 🔥🆙 https://t.co/37TrJlgM2j
06 Feb 2023, 00:00
RT @GamingOnAvax: The man, the myth, the legend @_patrickogrady talking about scaling via Avalanche Subnets, a critical piece of the puzzle…
RT @GamingOnAvax: The man, the myth, the legend @_patrickogrady talking about scaling via Avalanche Subnets, a critical piece ofRT @GamingOnAvax: The man, the myth, the legend @_patrickogrady talking about scaling via Avalanche Subnets, a critical piece of the puzzle…
05 Feb 2023, 22:00
RT @lihan_xangle: Exciting news for the #Avalanche network! Daily new addresses are on the rise 📈 Keep an eye on @avalancheavax for the lat…
RT @lihan_xangle: Exciting news for the #Avalanche network.RT @lihan_xangle: Exciting news for the #Avalanche network! Daily new addresses are on the rise 📈 Keep an eye on @avalancheavax for the lat…
05 Feb 2023, 20:00
There's no better place to connect with the Avalanche community than #AvalancheSummit!
Apply today to be a speaker or sponsor, and keep an eye out for more updates coming soon!
Most Web3 builders think of networking as making friends on Twitter, Discord and Telegram groups;
But the easiest way to make connections that could lead you to places you want to be is on Web3 events.
Here's why you should go to the #AvalancheSummit in Barcelona next year🧵:
There's no better place to connect with the Avalanche community than #AvalancheSummit.There's no better place to connect with the Avalanche community than #AvalancheSummit!
Apply today to be a speaker or sponsor, and keep an eye out for more updates coming soon! https://t.co/KO5nBeGND0 https://t.co/IdcxZ3Ue1k
Most Web3 builders think of networking as making friends on Twitter, Discord and Telegram groups;
But the easiest way to make connections that could lead you to places you want to be is on Web3 events.
Here's why you should go to the #AvalancheSummit in Barcelona next year🧵: https://t.co/EkDPPcnYgX
05 Feb 2023, 18:00
RT @_JakeCvengros_: This week we announced #AvalanchePark a concert series kicking off in LA on February 23rd!
Very excited to be able to…
RT @_JakeCvengros_: This week we announced #AvalanchePark a concert series kicking off in LA on February 23rd.RT @_JakeCvengros_: This week we announced #AvalanchePark a concert series kicking off in LA on February 23rd!
Very excited to be able to…
05 Feb 2023, 16:00
The new P-Chain Explorer lets anyone peer into thorough on-chain data on Avalanche’s validators, delegators, staking, rewards, Subnet creations, X/P/C cross-chain transactions, and more.
Here's a quick tutorial to navigate the new Avalanche Explorer!
The new P-Chain Explorer lets anyone peer into thorough on-chain data on Avalanche's validators, delegators, staking, rewards, SThe new P-Chain Explorer lets anyone peer into thorough on-chain data on Avalanche’s validators, delegators, staking, rewards, Subnet creations, X/P/C cross-chain transactions, and more.
Here's a quick tutorial to navigate the new Avalanche Explorer!
👀 https://t.co/W73nKf8HKp https://t.co/f5mwxCTdXU
05 Feb 2023, 14:00
RT @avalabsofficial: "Intain said it chose to build its new platform on an Avalanche Subnet because of its customizability. Intain needed t…
RT @avalabsofficial: "Intain said it chose to build its new platform on an Avalanche Subnet because of its customizability.RT @avalabsofficial: "Intain said it chose to build its new platform on an Avalanche Subnet because of its customizability. Intain needed t…
05 Feb 2023, 12:57
2月5日之前,登记钱包地址就可以获得 Avalanche 元宵节庙会的 Avalanche 棒棒糖 NFT空投,只有100个,先到先得!
雪人们️,大家好. 2月5日之前,登记钱包地址就可以获得 Avalanche 元宵节庙会的 Avalanche 棒棒糖 NFT空投,只有100个,先到先得.雪人们⛄️,大家好!
2月5日之前,登记钱包地址就可以获得 Avalanche 元宵节庙会的 Avalanche 棒棒糖 NFT空投,只有100个,先到先得!
05 Feb 2023, 12:00
RT @dexalotcom: The fully operational #Dexalot subnet is here, and the reviews are in!
Here's what the community is saying about https://t…
RT @dexalotcom: The fully operational #Dexalot subnet is here, and the reviews are in.RT @dexalotcom: The fully operational #Dexalot subnet is here, and the reviews are in!
Here's what the community is saying about https://t…
05 Feb 2023, 04:00
RT @littlevibemusic: Have you ever wanted to launch your own NFT mint website/page⁉️👀
This @Web3Studios tutorial was made for YOU‼️😎✊🎬💥
RT @littlevibemusic: Have you ever wanted to launch your own NFT mint website/page. This @Web3Studios tutorial was made for YOU.RT @littlevibemusic: Have you ever wanted to launch your own NFT mint website/page⁉️👀
This @Web3Studios tutorial was made for YOU‼️😎✊🎬💥
05 Feb 2023, 02:00
RT @FIAFormulaE: 🔥 @JakeDennis19 put on an overtaking masterclass at the #DiriyahEPrix!
Watch every single one of them right now on our Yo…
RT @FIAFormulaE: @JakeDennis19 put on an overtaking masterclass at the #DiriyahEPrix.RT @FIAFormulaE: 🔥 @JakeDennis19 put on an overtaking masterclass at the #DiriyahEPrix!
Watch every single one of them right now on our Yo…
05 Feb 2023, 00:00
RT @squidrouter: Our app is live!
Experience the power of Squid’s developer tools in action ✨
Secure 🔗 seamless 🔗 cross-chain swaps on @…
RT @squidrouter: Our app is live. Experience the power of Squid's developer tools in action.RT @squidrouter: Our app is live!
Experience the power of Squid’s developer tools in action ✨
Secure 🔗 seamless 🔗 cross-chain swaps on @…
04 Feb 2023, 22:00
RT @0xCampfire: Want to mint your individual pieces of art on #AVAX with YOUR OWN contract? 😍 🎨 No smart contract experience required! 🤯…
RT @0xCampfire: Want to mint your individual pieces of art on #AVAX with YOUR OWN contract.RT @0xCampfire: Want to mint your individual pieces of art on #AVAX with YOUR OWN contract? 😍 🎨 No smart contract experience required! 🤯…
04 Feb 2023, 20:00
RT @benhoneill: @chaos_labs took a major step forward yesterday in launching its proprietary parameter recommendations platform for Aave v3…
RT @benhoneill: @chaos_labs took a major step forward yesterday in launching its proprietary parameter recommendations platformRT @benhoneill: @chaos_labs took a major step forward yesterday in launching its proprietary parameter recommendations platform for Aave v3…
04 Feb 2023, 16:00
RT @FlagshipFYI: Exciting news in the DeFi space!
@dexalotcom has launched its first Hybrid #DeFi Subnet on #Avalanche, delivering a #dec…
RT @FlagshipFYI: Exciting news in the DeFi space.RT @FlagshipFYI: Exciting news in the DeFi space!
@dexalotcom has launched its first Hybrid #DeFi Subnet on #Avalanche, delivering a #dec…
04 Feb 2023, 15:00
🇯🇵Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30)
全体進行、チェーン分析、ヘッドライン( @RoiSarak )
・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 )
#Avalanche #AVAXJP #アバランチ
Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30). 全体進行、チェーン分析、ヘッドライン( @RoiSarak ). ・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 ). ・質疑応答. ※出演者は変更になる場合があります。.🇯🇵Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30)
全体進行、チェーン分析、ヘッドライン( @RoiSarak )
・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 )
#Avalanche #AVAXJP #アバランチ
04 Feb 2023, 13:02
Dexalot lanzó su Subnet esta semana, un enfoque innovador de un libro central de órdenes de límite construido con una arquitectura de doble cadena.
El equipo de Dexalot se unirá a Avalanche Twitter Spaces este lunes a las 12p ET / 5pm UTC, para analizar el lanzamiento y discutir lo que viene.
No te lo pierdas, fija un recordatorio en Twitter aquí:
Dexalot lanzó su Subnet esta semana, un enfoque innovador de un libro central de órdenes de límite construido con una arquitectuDexalot lanzó su Subnet esta semana, un enfoque innovador de un libro central de órdenes de límite construido con una arquitectura de doble cadena.
El equipo de Dexalot se unirá a Avalanche Twitter Spaces este lunes a las 12p ET / 5pm UTC, para analizar el lanzamiento y discutir lo que viene.
No te lo pierdas, fija un recordatorio en Twitter aquí:
04 Feb 2023, 12:00
RT @TheTieIO: What challenges do large institutions face when starting with DeFi?
Watch more of @luigidemeo and @MorganKrupetsky discuss t…
RT @TheTieIO: What challenges do large institutions face when starting with DeFi.RT @TheTieIO: What challenges do large institutions face when starting with DeFi?
Watch more of @luigidemeo and @MorganKrupetsky discuss t…
04 Feb 2023, 11:40
🐉 Dexalot запустили свою подсеть на этой неделе, в которой реализован инновационный подход к центральной книге лимитных ордеров (CLOB), построенной с использованием архитектуры с двумя сетями.
Команда Dexalot присоединится к Avalanche Twitter Spaces в этот понедельник в 17:00 UTC/ 22:00 GMT+3/ 21:00 GMT+2, где они расскажут о запуске и обсудят, что будет дальше вместе с Head of Defi Ava Labs Луиджи Д'Онорио Де Мео и разработчиком-евангелистом Ava Labs Габриелем Кардоной!
Чтобы не пропустить - установите напоминание в Твиттере здесь:
Dexalot запустили свою подсеть на этой неделе, в которой реализован инновационный подход к центральной книге лимитных ордеров (C🐉 Dexalot запустили свою подсеть на этой неделе, в которой реализован инновационный подход к центральной книге лимитных ордеров (CLOB), построенной с использованием архитектуры с двумя сетями.
Команда Dexalot присоединится к Avalanche Twitter Spaces в этот понедельник в 17:00 UTC/ 22:00 GMT+3/ 21:00 GMT+2, где они расскажут о запуске и обсудят, что будет дальше вместе с Head of Defi Ava Labs Луиджи Д'Онорио Де Мео и разработчиком-евангелистом Ava Labs Габриелем Кардоной!
Чтобы не пропустить - установите напоминание в Твиттере здесь: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BRJjZAXYnNJw
04 Feb 2023, 11:07
(期待今天与ArkhamIntel和avalabsofficial深入研究加密智能的所有内容 )
(Dexalot本周推出了他们的子网,这是一种采用双链架构构建的中央限价订单簿的创新方法。dexalotcom加入AvalancheSpaces本周一美国东部时间 12 点,以打破这一切!)
Morgan Creek Capital CEO:下一次加密牛市可能会在2023年第二季度开启
Avalanche「2•4」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (期待今天与ArkhamIntel和avalabsofficial深入研究加密智能的所有内容 ).Avalanche「2•4」每日广播站:
(期待今天与ArkhamIntel和avalabsofficial深入研究加密智能的所有内容 )
(Dexalot本周推出了他们的子网,这是一种采用双链架构构建的中央限价订单簿的创新方法。dexalotcom加入AvalancheSpaces本周一美国东部时间 12 点,以打破这一切!)
Morgan Creek Capital CEO:下一次加密牛市可能会在2023年第二季度开启
04 Feb 2023, 09:47
雪人们️,大家好. 农历新年活动抽奖结果出炉,奖品已陆续发放,大家可以根据以下抽奖链接查询自己对应的奖励,请注意查收.雪人们⛄️,大家好!
04 Feb 2023, 06:41
元宇宙庙会⛩提前预注册,前100名报名的抢 Avax 节日糖果NFT哦,拼手速🔺
元宇宙庙会提前预注册,前100名报名的抢 Avax 节日糖果NFT哦,拼手速.元宇宙庙会⛩提前预注册,前100名报名的抢 Avax 节日糖果NFT哦,拼手速🔺
04 Feb 2023, 04:00
RT @CaesarJulius0: Avalanche Monthly Recap - January
Huge month for #Avalanche
RT @CaesarJulius0: Avalanche Monthly Recap - January. Huge month for #Avalanche.RT @CaesarJulius0: Avalanche Monthly Recap - January
Huge month for #Avalanche https://t.co/MvXPKJB3Jw
04 Feb 2023, 02:00
RT @ijaack94: Proud to work w/ @MessariCrypto in providing the data about all #Avalanche subnets from @AvascanExplorer .
(Cc @JamesTrautma…
RT @ijaack94: Proud to work w/ @MessariCrypto in providing the data about all #Avalanche subnets from @AvascanExplorer .RT @ijaack94: Proud to work w/ @MessariCrypto in providing the data about all #Avalanche subnets from @AvascanExplorer .
(Cc @JamesTrautma…
04 Feb 2023, 00:00
RT @Gojo_Crypto: $BTC.b Daily Transactions on #Avalanche
+ Jan 1st 2023: 854
+ Feb 1st 2023: 4,210
RT @Gojo_Crypto: $BTC. b Daily Transactions on #Avalanche. + Jan 1st 2023: 854. + Feb 1st 2023: 4,210.RT @Gojo_Crypto: $BTC.b Daily Transactions on #Avalanche
+ Jan 1st 2023: 854
+ Feb 1st 2023: 4,210
🔺🔺🔺 https://t.co/qnDGo2sW2i
03 Feb 2023, 22:00
Dexalot launched their Subnet this week, an innovative approach to a central limit order book built with a dual-chain architecture.
@dexalotcom joins #AvalancheSpaces this Monday at 12p ET to break it all down!
Don't miss this one, set a reminder here:
Dexalot launched their Subnet this week, an innovative approach to a central limit order book built with a dual-chain architectuDexalot launched their Subnet this week, an innovative approach to a central limit order book built with a dual-chain architecture.
@dexalotcom joins #AvalancheSpaces this Monday at 12p ET to break it all down!
Don't miss this one, set a reminder here: https://t.co/1q60SFZMHl https://t.co/45wqheIKwQ
03 Feb 2023, 20:00
A great overview of Subnets from @_patrickogrady 👏👏
In this video from one of our fall research seminars, @_patrickogrady gives an in-depth overview of Avalanche Subnets, the Avalanche Network's technique for horizontally scaling its throughput with connected, sovereign subnetworks:
A great overview of Subnets from @_patrickogrady.A great overview of Subnets from @_patrickogrady 👏👏 https://t.co/oahyb87gKg
In this video from one of our fall research seminars, @_patrickogrady gives an in-depth overview of Avalanche Subnets, the Avalanche Network's technique for horizontally scaling its throughput with connected, sovereign subnetworks: https://t.co/JpiOcoKKnE
03 Feb 2023, 17:27
RT @el33th4xor: The Dexalot launch is a blueprint for Avalanche builders: find product market fit on the C-Chain, then scale with Subnets t…
RT @el33th4xor: The Dexalot launch is a blueprint for Avalanche builders: find product market fit on the C-Chain, then scale witRT @el33th4xor: The Dexalot launch is a blueprint for Avalanche builders: find product market fit on the C-Chain, then scale with Subnets t…
03 Feb 2023, 15:39
🚨 All Access is back today 🚨
@el33th4xor will be streaming live to break down a big start to the year for #Avalanche
Tune in live at 1pm ET and remember to drop questions in the chat for the Q&A!
All Access is back today. @el33th4xor will be streaming live to break down a big start to the year for #Avalanche.🚨 All Access is back today 🚨
@el33th4xor will be streaming live to break down a big start to the year for #Avalanche
Tune in live at 1pm ET and remember to drop questions in the chat for the Q&A!
https://t.co/f6ruEqQcHc https://t.co/Dwb9VyRLGX
03 Feb 2023, 12:00
RT @SidIntain1: Future of structured finance is digital. We at @intain are excited to be building it with @avalancheavax
#IntainADMIN di…
RT @SidIntain1: Future of structured finance is digital. We at @intain are excited to be building it with @avalancheavax.RT @SidIntain1: Future of structured finance is digital. We at @intain are excited to be building it with @avalancheavax
#IntainADMIN di…
03 Feb 2023, 11:00
(金融的一小步,DeFi的一大飞跃 。dexalotcom刚刚启动了它的子网,带来了亚秒级的交易执行,让 Dexalot 的体验感觉像是中心化的交易所,但在链上,交易者可以通过在Dexalot上交易来参与$ 1M +的奖励)
比特币矿企Marathon Digital 1月份产出687枚比特币,环比增加45%
MicroStrategy CEO:公司将利用比特币波动,进行更多加密货币交易
Avalanche「2•3」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (去中心化加密货币交易所Dexalot在第1层协议Avalanche上作为子网推出,试图将CEX的UX与DEX的透明度相结合).Avalanche「2•3」每日广播站:
(金融的一小步,DeFi的一大飞跃 。dexalotcom刚刚启动了它的子网,带来了亚秒级的交易执行,让 Dexalot 的体验感觉像是中心化的交易所,但在链上,交易者可以通过在Dexalot上交易来参与$ 1M +的奖励)
比特币矿企Marathon Digital 1月份产出687枚比特币,环比增加45%
MicroStrategy CEO:公司将利用比特币波动,进行更多加密货币交易
03 Feb 2023, 10:00
Grab your favorite #Avalanche @AndrettiFE gear 👉
Just bought one of these jackets to flex in videos.
Grab your favorite #Avalanche @AndrettiFE gear. Just bought one of these jackets to flex in videos.Grab your favorite #Avalanche @AndrettiFE gear 👉 https://t.co/qstLUSsAXO https://t.co/yiWzX04zk6
Just bought one of these jackets to flex in videos. https://t.co/405wwGH9Nd
03 Feb 2023, 08:00
RT @avvydomains: We saw many new .avax integrations go live in January & want to thank our new partners. Welcome to the #Avvy family 🔺❄️
RT @avvydomains: We saw many new . avax integrations go live in January & want to thank our new partners.RT @avvydomains: We saw many new .avax integrations go live in January & want to thank our new partners. Welcome to the #Avvy family 🔺❄️