Avalanche cryptocurrency is a platform developed by Ava Labs, which allows anyone to create their own multifunctional blockchains and decentralized applications (dApps). The system is designed to eliminate some of the limitations of older platforms, including low transaction speed, centralization and scalability. To do this, the project uses its own innovations. First of all, they include the unique Avalanche consensus protocol, which shows low latency, high throughput and resistance to attacks.
News about Avalanche
30 Jan 2023, 21:54
يحصل He Avalanche Explorer على ترقية جديدة تمامًا لجميع بيانات Avalanche (P-Chain)!
يتم الآن تحسين جميع تفاصيل P-Chain للسماح لأي شخص بتحليل جميع الأنشطة المتعلقة بالمصدقين والمندوبين والمراهنة والشبكات الفرعية والمزيد.
بعض الميزات البارزة:
يحصل He Avalanche Explorer على ترقية جديدة تمامًا لجميع بيانات Avalanche (P-Chain).يحصل He Avalanche Explorer على ترقية جديدة تمامًا لجميع بيانات Avalanche (P-Chain)!
يتم الآن تحسين جميع تفاصيل P-Chain للسماح لأي شخص بتحليل جميع الأنشطة المتعلقة بالمصدقين والمندوبين والمراهنة والشبكات الفرعية والمزيد.
بعض الميزات البارزة:
30 Jan 2023, 21:13
The Avalanche Explorer is getting a brand new upgrade for all Avalanche (P-Chain) data!
All P-Chain details are now enhanced to allow anyone to analyze all activity related to validators, delegators, staking, Subnets, and more.
Some feature highlights:
The Avalanche Explorer is getting a brand new upgrade for all Avalanche (P-Chain) data.The Avalanche Explorer is getting a brand new upgrade for all Avalanche (P-Chain) data!
All P-Chain details are now enhanced to allow anyone to analyze all activity related to validators, delegators, staking, Subnets, and more.
Some feature highlights:
30 Jan 2023, 19:00
AWS makes it easier for devs to launch and manage nodes on Avalanche ✅
Dive into this step-by-step tutorial to get a node running and validating the network ⬇️
AWS makes it easier for devs to launch and manage nodes on Avalanche.AWS makes it easier for devs to launch and manage nodes on Avalanche ✅
Dive into this step-by-step tutorial to get a node running and validating the network ⬇️
30 Jan 2023, 18:22
استعدوا لعشاق الموسيقى! متحمس للإعلان عن إطلاق سلسلة حفلات Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon.
تنطلق السلسلة في 23 فبراير في وسط مدينة لوس أنجلوس بتجربة هيب هوب غامرة تحت الأرض في @Wisdome_LA!
تعرف على المزيد وسجل below⬇️
استعدوا لعشاق الموسيقى. متحمس للإعلان عن إطلاق سلسلة حفلات Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon.استعدوا لعشاق الموسيقى! متحمس للإعلان عن إطلاق سلسلة حفلات Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon.
تنطلق السلسلة في 23 فبراير في وسط مدينة لوس أنجلوس بتجربة هيب هوب غامرة تحت الأرض في @Wisdome_LA!
تعرف على المزيد وسجل below⬇️
30 Jan 2023, 16:20
¡Prepárense los amántes de la música! Nos emociona presentar la Serie de Conciertos Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon.
La serie comienza el 23 de Feb en el centro de Los Angeles con una experiencia inmersiva underground de hip-hop en @Wisdome_LA
Conoce más⬇️
¡Prepárense los amántes de la música. Nos emociona presentar la Serie de Conciertos Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon.¡Prepárense los amántes de la música! Nos emociona presentar la Serie de Conciertos Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon.
La serie comienza el 23 de Feb en el centro de Los Angeles con una experiencia inmersiva underground de hip-hop en @Wisdome_LA
Conoce más⬇️
30 Jan 2023, 15:01
Get ready music lovers! Excited to announce the launch of the Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon Concert Series.
The series kicks off Feb 23 in downtown Los Angeles with an immersive underground hip-hop experience at @Wisdome_LA!
Learn more and register below⬇️
Get ready music lovers. Excited to announce the launch of the Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon Concert Series.Get ready music lovers! Excited to announce the launch of the Avalanche Park x Ed Balloon Concert Series.
The series kicks off Feb 23 in downtown Los Angeles with an immersive underground hip-hop experience at @Wisdome_LA!
Learn more and register below⬇️
30 Jan 2023, 13:52
Se acaba de publicar el informe del cuarto trimestre de 2022 de Messari sobre el estado de #Avalanche.
State of @avalancheavax Q4 2022 is LIVE.
Link to the FREE Avalanche quarterly report from @JamesTrautman_ in the tweet below ⬇️
Se acaba de publicar el informe del cuarto trimestre de 2022 de Messari sobre el estado de #Avalanche.Se acaba de publicar el informe del cuarto trimestre de 2022 de Messari sobre el estado de #Avalanche. https://t.co/tjq8hvVhtN
State of @avalancheavax Q4 2022 is LIVE.
Link to the FREE Avalanche quarterly report from @JamesTrautman_ in the tweet below ⬇️ https://t.co/9Ltd37PfKx
30 Jan 2023, 12:00
RT @BitGo: BitGo offers the first and only qualified custody staking solution for AVAX holders.
✅Institutional-grade staking
RT @BitGo: BitGo offers the first and only qualified custody staking solution for AVAX holders. Institutional-grade staking.RT @BitGo: BitGo offers the first and only qualified custody staking solution for AVAX holders.
✅Institutional-grade staking
30 Jan 2023, 11:38
Avalanche团队给大家拜年啦!我们推出《瑞雪迎春——To you AVAX》活动,祝愿我们的小雪人们新的一年里,健康顺遂、平安喜乐!!!
1:请准确填写Avalanche C链地址(确保地址从C链钱包发出能接收到)
⏰活动时间:2023/1/21 0:00—2023/1/31 17:00
雪人们️,新春快乐. Avalanche团队给大家拜年啦. 我们推出《瑞雪迎春——To you AVAX》活动,祝愿我们的小雪人们新的一年里,健康顺遂、平安喜乐. 奖品:Avalanche纪念币、定制围巾、定制加热办公垫. 抽奖链接:. 活动规则:.雪人们⛄️,新春快乐!
Avalanche团队给大家拜年啦!我们推出《瑞雪迎春——To you AVAX》活动,祝愿我们的小雪人们新的一年里,健康顺遂、平安喜乐!!!
1:请准确填写Avalanche C链地址(确保地址从C链钱包发出能接收到)
⏰活动时间:2023/1/21 0:00—2023/1/31 17:00
30 Jan 2023, 10:52
(如何在 Aave 上使用比特币通过 5 个简单的步骤)
(Usman认为,Avalanche的增长和创新速度超过了所有其他公链。无论是一致的平台更新、一流的工具,还是宣布的主要合作伙伴关系,他相信“没有比 Avalanche 更好的构建场所了”。)
当今的加密市场早已不再是代币经济机制的单一比拼,它已演变为一场围绕正外部性的“业务 , 激励 ,治理 ” 三方面的综合力量博弈
Avalanche「1•30」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (如何在 Aave 上使用比特币通过 5 个简单的步骤).Avalanche「1•30」每日广播站:
(如何在 Aave 上使用比特币通过 5 个简单的步骤)
(Usman认为,Avalanche的增长和创新速度超过了所有其他公链。无论是一致的平台更新、一流的工具,还是宣布的主要合作伙伴关系,他相信“没有比 Avalanche 更好的构建场所了”。)
当今的加密市场早已不再是代币经济机制的单一比拼,它已演变为一场围绕正外部性的“业务 , 激励 ,治理 ” 三方面的综合力量博弈
30 Jan 2023, 09:53
SafeTransfer теперь интегрирован в #Avalanche!
@stableunitdao — это бесплатный инструмент с открытым исходным кодом, делающий перевод токенов более безопасным, чем когда-либо прежде
SafeTransfer is now integrated to @avalancheavax 🔥
is a free and open-source tool making token transfers safer than ever before 👀
More details below! 👇
SafeTransfer теперь интегрирован в #Avalanche.SafeTransfer теперь интегрирован в #Avalanche!
@stableunitdao — это бесплатный инструмент с открытым исходным кодом, делающий перевод токенов более безопасным, чем когда-либо прежде https://t.co/ukVie0cGBR
SafeTransfer is now integrated to @avalancheavax 🔥
https://t.co/4Okvx4y4J2 is a free and open-source tool making token transfers safer than ever before 👀
More details below! 👇 https://t.co/bpIqlzCbfX
30 Jan 2023, 08:00
RT @TheAquariumWCT: Join us 01/30 with @WCTNoah in The Aquarium at 2PM EST/7PM UTC❗️
Guest appearance by,🎙
@DanielxKilleen, representing @…
RT @TheAquariumWCT: Join us 01/30 with @WCTNoah in The Aquarium at 2PM EST/7PM UTC️. Guest appearance by,.RT @TheAquariumWCT: Join us 01/30 with @WCTNoah in The Aquarium at 2PM EST/7PM UTC❗️
Guest appearance by,🎙
@DanielxKilleen, representing @…
30 Jan 2023, 06:00
RT @meeshtian: Here's why you don't want to be missing out on BTC.b...
Always a great time chatting with @MaxwellMelcher and @MattSchmenk…
RT @meeshtian: Here's why you don't want to be missing out on BTC.RT @meeshtian: Here's why you don't want to be missing out on BTC.b...
Always a great time chatting with @MaxwellMelcher and @MattSchmenk…
30 Jan 2023, 05:25
[🔺아바랩스 S/W 엔지니어가 아발란체 서브넷을 설명하다]
아바랩스의 소프트웨어 엔지니어, 코너 달리(Connor Daly)가 아발란체 서브넷이 무엇인지 아주 쉽게 설명합니다.
1️⃣ 서브넷: 아발란체의 수평적 확장(horizontal scaling) 솔루션
2️⃣ 다양한 VM을 활용하여 서브넷 구축 가능
3️⃣ 목적에 따라 퍼블릭/프라이빗/하이브리드 체인 구성 가능
자세한 내용은 아발란체 한국 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺Connor Daly 트윗
[아바랩스 S/W 엔지니어가 아발란체 서브넷을 설명하다]. 아바랩스의 소프트웨어 엔지니어, 코너 달리(Connor Daly)가 아발란체 서브넷이 무엇인지 아주 쉽게 설명합니다.[🔺아바랩스 S/W 엔지니어가 아발란체 서브넷을 설명하다]
아바랩스의 소프트웨어 엔지니어, 코너 달리(Connor Daly)가 아발란체 서브넷이 무엇인지 아주 쉽게 설명합니다.
1️⃣ 서브넷: 아발란체의 수평적 확장(horizontal scaling) 솔루션
2️⃣ 다양한 VM을 활용하여 서브넷 구축 가능
3️⃣ 목적에 따라 퍼블릭/프라이빗/하이브리드 체인 구성 가능
자세한 내용은 아발란체 한국 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺Connor Daly 트윗
30 Jan 2023, 01:25
[🚀블록체인 솔루션 회사 Chainstack, 아발란체를 채택하다]
기업을 대상으로 블록체인앱 소프트웨어와 API 서비스를 제공하는 Chainstack의 데브렐(Development Relations) 개발자 우즈만 아심(Usman Asim)이 그들의 dApp 솔루션을 아발란체 체인에서 구축하겠다고 발표했습니다.
🎤 Usman Asim: "There’s no better place to build than Avalanche."
그는 “개인에게 최적화된 커스텀 솔루션을 구축하는 데엔 아발란체 만한 체인이 없다”라며, Chainstack을 이용하는 고객은 물론 동료 개발자들에게 지속적으로 아발란체 시스템 구축을 종용할 것을 약속했습니다.
자세한 내용은 아발란체 한국 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺아발란체 공식 미디엄
[블록체인 솔루션 회사 Chainstack, 아발란체를 채택하다].[🚀블록체인 솔루션 회사 Chainstack, 아발란체를 채택하다]
기업을 대상으로 블록체인앱 소프트웨어와 API 서비스를 제공하는 Chainstack의 데브렐(Development Relations) 개발자 우즈만 아심(Usman Asim)이 그들의 dApp 솔루션을 아발란체 체인에서 구축하겠다고 발표했습니다.
🎤 Usman Asim: "There’s no better place to build than Avalanche."
그는 “개인에게 최적화된 커스텀 솔루션을 구축하는 데엔 아발란체 만한 체인이 없다”라며, Chainstack을 이용하는 고객은 물론 동료 개발자들에게 지속적으로 아발란체 시스템 구축을 종용할 것을 약속했습니다.
자세한 내용은 아발란체 한국 트위터 계정에서 확인해보세요!👇
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺아발란체 공식 미디엄
29 Jan 2023, 22:40
¡Las entradas para el Avalanche Summit II están por salir a la venta!
Registrate para no perderte las entradas early bird:
¡Las entradas para el Avalanche Summit II están por salir a la venta. Registrate para no perderte las entradas early bird:.¡Las entradas para el Avalanche Summit II están por salir a la venta!
Registrate para no perderte las entradas early bird:
29 Jan 2023, 22:00
Avalanche Summit II tickets are going on sale soon!
Make sure to register so you don't miss out on early bird tickets:
Avalanche Summit II tickets are going on sale soon. Make sure to register so you don't miss out on early bird tickets:.Avalanche Summit II tickets are going on sale soon!
Make sure to register so you don't miss out on early bird tickets: https://t.co/OOXpQqvlLl
29 Jan 2023, 20:00
RT @coreapp: Core offers a secure and seamless way to custody your Bitcoin, while putting $BTC.b to work across DeFi protocols on #Avalanch…
RT @coreapp: Core offers a secure and seamless way to custody your Bitcoin, while putting $BTC.RT @coreapp: Core offers a secure and seamless way to custody your Bitcoin, while putting $BTC.b to work across DeFi protocols on #Avalanch…
29 Jan 2023, 10:33
Avalanche团队给大家拜年啦!我们推出《瑞雪迎春——To you AVAX》活动,祝愿我们的小雪人们新的一年里,健康顺遂、平安喜乐!!!
1:请准确填写Avalanche C链地址(确保地址从C链钱包发出能接收到)
⏰活动时间:2023/1/21 0:00—2023/1/31 17:00
雪人们️,新春快乐. Avalanche团队给大家拜年啦. 我们推出《瑞雪迎春——To you AVAX》活动,祝愿我们的小雪人们新的一年里,健康顺遂、平安喜乐. 奖品:Avalanche纪念币、定制围巾、定制加热办公垫. 抽奖链接:. 活动规则:.雪人们⛄️,新春快乐!
Avalanche团队给大家拜年啦!我们推出《瑞雪迎春——To you AVAX》活动,祝愿我们的小雪人们新的一年里,健康顺遂、平安喜乐!!!
1:请准确填写Avalanche C链地址(确保地址从C链钱包发出能接收到)
⏰活动时间:2023/1/21 0:00—2023/1/31 17:00
29 Jan 2023, 08:00
RT @Avalanche_th: ข่าวล่าสุด!
#Avalanche เพิ่งแตะค่าเฉลี่ย 60 TPS บน subnets ที่เปิดใช้งานทั้งหมด ลองจินตนาการอีก 20 Subnets ในอนาคตกันดู 👀…
RT @Avalanche_th: ข่าวล่าสุด.RT @Avalanche_th: ข่าวล่าสุด!
#Avalanche เพิ่งแตะค่าเฉลี่ย 60 TPS บน subnets ที่เปิดใช้งานทั้งหมด ลองจินตนาการอีก 20 Subnets ในอนาคตกันดู 👀…
29 Jan 2023, 00:00
RT @stableunitdao: SafeTransfer is now integrated to @avalancheavax 🔥
is a free and open-source tool making token…
RT @stableunitdao: SafeTransfer is now integrated to @avalancheavax. is a free and open-source tool making token….RT @stableunitdao: SafeTransfer is now integrated to @avalancheavax 🔥
https://t.co/4Okvx4y4J2 is a free and open-source tool making token…
28 Jan 2023, 22:00
RT @Ommiii_: 1//Loosely quoting Jack Harlow
#Avalanche🔺what's poppin'?
Brand new dApps I just hopped in…
I got Options.
7 Options dApps…
RT @Ommiii_: 1//Loosely quoting Jack Harlow. #Avalanchewhat's poppin'. Brand new dApps I just hopped in…. I got Options.RT @Ommiii_: 1//Loosely quoting Jack Harlow
#Avalanche🔺what's poppin'?
Brand new dApps I just hopped in…
I got Options.
7 Options dApps…
28 Jan 2023, 20:00
RT @coreapp: .@DeltaPrimeDefi is one of the newest members of the Avalanche DeFi ecosystem 🔺 🦉
Use Core to supply, borrow, swap, and even…
RT @coreapp: . @DeltaPrimeDefi is one of the newest members of the Avalanche DeFi ecosystem.RT @coreapp: .@DeltaPrimeDefi is one of the newest members of the Avalanche DeFi ecosystem 🔺 🦉
Use Core to supply, borrow, swap, and even…
28 Jan 2023, 18:00
RT @MorganKrupetsky: Come chat with me and @luigidemeo next week! 👇🏼
RT @MorganKrupetsky: Come chat with me and @luigidemeo next week.RT @MorganKrupetsky: Come chat with me and @luigidemeo next week! 👇🏼 https://t.co/eUWoVM5EMj
28 Jan 2023, 15:56
開発者スポットライト:ウスマン・アシム氏、#Avalanche でのRustとZKへ大きな計画
by Avalanche-Japanese
開発者スポットライト:ウスマン・アシム氏、#Avalanche でのRustとZKへ大きな計画. by Avalanche-Japanese.開発者スポットライト:ウスマン・アシム氏、#Avalanche でのRustとZKへ大きな計画
by Avalanche-Japanese
28 Jan 2023, 13:59
#devs #zk #rust #DeveloperSpotlight #новости #dapps
В дополнение к рубрике Artist Spotlight мы теперь запустили еще одну - Developer Spotlight, в которой будем рассказывать об интересных инновационных разработках и проектах в сети Avalanche.
В первом выпуске Avalanche Developer Spotlight мы рады рассказать о разработке Усмана Асима, инженера по связям с разработчиками в Chainstack.
Для своего нового децентрализованного приложения ему понадобился определенный набор инструментов и инфраструктуры, чтобы создать следующую большую идею, и он нашел ее только в Avalanche.
Узнайте, что Усман создает в сети Avalanche на основе ZK и Rust:
#devs #zk #rust #DeveloperSpotlight #новости #dapps.#devs #zk #rust #DeveloperSpotlight #новости #dapps
В дополнение к рубрике Artist Spotlight мы теперь запустили еще одну - Developer Spotlight, в которой будем рассказывать об интересных инновационных разработках и проектах в сети Avalanche.
В первом выпуске Avalanche Developer Spotlight мы рады рассказать о разработке Усмана Асима, инженера по связям с разработчиками в Chainstack.
Для своего нового децентрализованного приложения ему понадобился определенный набор инструментов и инфраструктуры, чтобы создать следующую большую идею, и он нашел ее только в Avalanche.
Узнайте, что Усман создает в сети Avalanche на основе ZK и Rust: https://medium.com/ava-russia/developer-spotlight-usman-asim-has-big-plans-for-rust-and-zks-on-avalanche-71bfa2eb612
28 Jan 2023, 12:00
RT @AaveAave: Big thank you to our Aave Fam! 🤍
For more details on the V3 ETH deployment and how to migrate your assets from V2 ➡️ V3, che…
RT @AaveAave: Big thank you to our Aave Fam.RT @AaveAave: Big thank you to our Aave Fam! 🤍
For more details on the V3 ETH deployment and how to migrate your assets from V2 ➡️ V3, che…
28 Jan 2023, 11:04
(Avalanche 是一个充满活力的 DeFi 生态系统的所在地,所有这些都受益于近乎即时的 tx 最终性和低 tx 成本。Platypusdefi最近公布了其稳定币$USP的详细信息,在雪崩论坛上了解有关 USP 如何运作的更多信息)
Avalanche「1•28」每日广播站:. 生态动态:.Avalanche「1•28」每日广播站:
(Avalanche 是一个充满活力的 DeFi 生态系统的所在地,所有这些都受益于近乎即时的 tx 最终性和低 tx 成本。Platypusdefi最近公布了其稳定币$USP的详细信息,在雪崩论坛上了解有关 USP 如何运作的更多信息)
28 Jan 2023, 10:00
RT @avalanchejp: .@GamingOnAvax コミュニティは、#Avalanche 上で素晴らしい製品を構築するだけでなく、エコシステムのサポートとセキュリティ確保も行っています。 @ReadyPlayerDAO は、Avalancheでバリデーターを運用する…
RT @avalanchejp: .RT @avalanchejp: .@GamingOnAvax コミュニティは、#Avalanche 上で素晴らしい製品を構築するだけでなく、エコシステムのサポートとセキュリティ確保も行っています。 @ReadyPlayerDAO は、Avalancheでバリデーターを運用する…
28 Jan 2023, 08:46
RT @avaxholic: Top Dex @avalancheavax Trading Volume Change 30D
RT @avaxholic: Top Dex @avalancheavax Trading Volume Change 30D.RT @avaxholic: Top Dex @avalancheavax Trading Volume Change 30D https://t.co/mPRprjrS3v
28 Jan 2023, 02:00
RT @ElizaCrichtonS: Every weekend @realthirdweb posts a “highlight” news story from the previous week's news cycle.
The week of January…
RT @ElizaCrichtonS: Every weekend @realthirdweb posts a "highlight" news story from the previous week's news cycle.RT @ElizaCrichtonS: Every weekend @realthirdweb posts a “highlight” news story from the previous week's news cycle.
The week of January…
28 Jan 2023, 00:00
How to use Bitcoin on Aave in 5 simple steps using @coreapp 🦉
1️⃣ Create a wallet in Core
2️⃣ Send your BTC
3️⃣ Bridge to BTC.b using the Avalanche Bridge
4️⃣ Supply BTC.b on @AaveAave
5️⃣ Use $BTC.b as collateral
Put your $BTC to work in #Avalanche DeFi ✅
How to use Bitcoin on Aave in 5 simple steps using @coreapp. Create a wallet in Core. Send your BTC. Bridge to BTC.How to use Bitcoin on Aave in 5 simple steps using @coreapp 🦉
1️⃣ Create a wallet in Core
2️⃣ Send your BTC
3️⃣ Bridge to BTC.b using the Avalanche Bridge
4️⃣ Supply BTC.b on @AaveAave
5️⃣ Use $BTC.b as collateral
Put your $BTC to work in #Avalanche DeFi ✅ https://t.co/G4GteaeBpi https://t.co/Cky17Hyoa1
27 Jan 2023, 22:00
RT @Covalent_HQ: 1/ Last year, Covalent integrated w/ @avalancheavax Subnets🔺
🏰 @DeFiKingdoms
🦀 @PlayCrabada
📊 We have indexed every sing…
RT @Covalent_HQ: 1/ Last year, Covalent integrated w/ @avalancheavax Subnets. @DeFiKingdoms. @PlayCrabada.RT @Covalent_HQ: 1/ Last year, Covalent integrated w/ @avalancheavax Subnets🔺
🏰 @DeFiKingdoms
🦀 @PlayCrabada
📊 We have indexed every sing…
27 Jan 2023, 20:00
RT @GamingOnAvax: This medieval action role playing game is the complete package @PlayEldarune.
Travel 21 islands, fight in the hundreds o…
RT @GamingOnAvax: This medieval action role playing game is the complete package @PlayEldarune.RT @GamingOnAvax: This medieval action role playing game is the complete package @PlayEldarune.
Travel 21 islands, fight in the hundreds o…
27 Jan 2023, 19:30
RT @AndrettiFE: Today was a good day 🎉
RT @AndrettiFE: Today was a good day.RT @AndrettiFE: Today was a good day 🎉 https://t.co/7hSL9haf1I
27 Jan 2023, 18:22
The first Avalanche Developer Spotlight features Usman Asim, a developer relations engineer at Chainstack, kicking off a new series showcasing devs building innovative projects on Avalanche.
For his new dApp, he needed a specific set of tools and infrastructure to create his next big idea, and he found it only on Avalanche. Learn why Usman believes the rate of growth and innovation on Avalanche exceeds all other chains.
The first Avalanche Developer Spotlight features Usman Asim, a developer relations engineer at Chainstack, kicking off a new serThe first Avalanche Developer Spotlight features Usman Asim, a developer relations engineer at Chainstack, kicking off a new series showcasing devs building innovative projects on Avalanche.
For his new dApp, he needed a specific set of tools and infrastructure to create his next big idea, and he found it only on Avalanche. Learn why Usman believes the rate of growth and innovation on Avalanche exceeds all other chains.
27 Jan 2023, 12:24
RT @emdx_es: ¡EMDX Dual Investment ya está disponible!
Ahora podés obtener ganancias adicionales independientemente de la dirección del mer…
RT @emdx_es: ¡EMDX Dual Investment ya está disponible.RT @emdx_es: ¡EMDX Dual Investment ya está disponible!
Ahora podés obtener ganancias adicionales independientemente de la dirección del mer…
27 Jan 2023, 11:20
(新的游戏玩法预告片,独特的DeFi协议发布,成功的NFT投放……本周在#雪崩号上有很多事情要做,今天来“In The Lab”和我们一起讨论avalabsofficial团队,在东部时间12点/ UTC时间5点开始)
(如果你的avalancheavax项目依赖 chainlink对于 VRF 或自动化,是时候告别低余额通知了。Cask 的解决方案允许您持续自动维护和充值 VRF 和自动化付款余额https://)
Avalanche「1•27」每日广播站:. 生态动态:.Avalanche「1•27」每日广播站:
(新的游戏玩法预告片,独特的DeFi协议发布,成功的NFT投放……本周在#雪崩号上有很多事情要做,今天来“In The Lab”和我们一起讨论avalabsofficial团队,在东部时间12点/ UTC时间5点开始)
(如果你的avalancheavax项目依赖 chainlink对于 VRF 或自动化,是时候告别低余额通知了。Cask 的解决方案允许您持续自动维护和充值 VRF 和自动化付款余额https://)
27 Jan 2023, 09:27
RT @MetaOpsGaming: Ready to onboard gamers to a better #gaming experience?🤔
Join us tomorrow at 12 pm CST for an exciting space with:
RT @MetaOpsGaming: Ready to onboard gamers to a better #gaming experience.RT @MetaOpsGaming: Ready to onboard gamers to a better #gaming experience?🤔
Join us tomorrow at 12 pm CST for an exciting space with:
27 Jan 2023, 01:55
Este 11 de febrero, estaremos en CDM3X 🇲🇽, un evento que reunirá distintos actores del ecosistema para celebrar Web3, los NFTs y el Arte Digital.
¿Quieres saber más? Únete al space en unos minutos 👇
No se pierdan nuestro Space este jueves a las 8 pm donde resolveremos dudas y daremos más información sobre lo que será CDM3X este 11 de febrero.🪅
Pongan sus recordatorios👇
Este 11 de febrero, estaremos en CDM3X , un evento que reunirá distintos actores del ecosistema para celebrar Web3, los NFTs y eEste 11 de febrero, estaremos en CDM3X 🇲🇽, un evento que reunirá distintos actores del ecosistema para celebrar Web3, los NFTs y el Arte Digital.
¿Quieres saber más? Únete al space en unos minutos 👇 https://t.co/g4Dx6yltms
No se pierdan nuestro Space este jueves a las 8 pm donde resolveremos dudas y daremos más información sobre lo que será CDM3X este 11 de febrero.🪅
Pongan sus recordatorios👇
26 Jan 2023, 20:27
متحمس للترحيب بـ Arkham، وهي منصة استخباراتية توفر معلومات عن الكيانات والأفراد الذين يقفون وراء نشاط سوق التشفير، مع تحليلات أعمق للمحفظة وكيفية تفاعلهم معًا ⬇️
Arkham is excited to announce a partnership with @avalancheavax!
Support for Avalanche will be added to the Arkham platform, giving users the ability to examine the activities of wallets and entities in the Avalanche ecosystem.
Please read the blog post below for more.
متحمس للترحيب بـ Arkham، وهي منصة استخباراتية توفر معلومات عن الكيانات والأفراد الذين يقفون وراء نشاط سوق التشفير، مع تحليلات أعمتحمس للترحيب بـ Arkham، وهي منصة استخباراتية توفر معلومات عن الكيانات والأفراد الذين يقفون وراء نشاط سوق التشفير، مع تحليلات أعمق للمحفظة وكيفية تفاعلهم معًا ⬇️ https://t.co/MJ1IOuHMQM
Arkham is excited to announce a partnership with @avalancheavax!
Support for Avalanche will be added to the Arkham platform, giving users the ability to examine the activities of wallets and entities in the Avalanche ecosystem.
Please read the blog post below for more. https://t.co/rvxSm5JyMX
26 Jan 2023, 17:57
26 Jan 2023, 11:17
(这LayerZero_LabsFAM结束了对分散流动性的需求,并为$BTC提供了更大的可访问性和多功能性。avalancheavax很自豪能成为第一个利用$BTC.b和 LayerZero_Labs提供自动偿还的非清盘贷款)
(区块链游戏是 Web3 中增长最快的领域之一 雪崩将在即将到来的 ,TaipeiGameShow
2 月2-3日,与亚太地区的项目对接。欢迎莅临 Booth #B19,了解今年推出的最新游戏以及它们#ChoseAvalanche的原因)
(大型机构,如KKR_co和Deloitte,正在使用 Avalanche 以最可靠的方式为其业务和解决方案提供支持。)
Avalanche「1•26」每日广播站:. 生态动态:. (这LayerZero_LabsFAM结束了对分散流动性的需求,并为$BTC提供了更大的可访问性和多功能性。avalancheavax很自豪能成为第一个利用$BTC.Avalanche「1•26」每日广播站:
(这LayerZero_LabsFAM结束了对分散流动性的需求,并为$BTC提供了更大的可访问性和多功能性。avalancheavax很自豪能成为第一个利用$BTC.b和 LayerZero_Labs提供自动偿还的非清盘贷款)
(区块链游戏是 Web3 中增长最快的领域之一 雪崩将在即将到来的 ,TaipeiGameShow
2 月2-3日,与亚太地区的项目对接。欢迎莅临 Booth #B19,了解今年推出的最新游戏以及它们#ChoseAvalanche的原因)
(大型机构,如KKR_co和Deloitte,正在使用 Avalanche 以最可靠的方式为其业务和解决方案提供支持。)
26 Jan 2023, 05:12
💰初五迎财神!CrossSpace和Type V DAO为您带来13场高质量Twitter Space炸裂开年!🧨
我们邀请到近50位华语与日语区的顶尖项目、社区、VC、KOL齐聚一堂,一起展望2023,兔 da moon!🚀
⏰1.26 9am-10pm
初五迎财神. CrossSpace和Type V DAO为您带来13场高质量Twitter Space炸裂开年. 我们邀请到近50位华语与日语区的顶尖项目、社区、VC、KOL齐聚一堂,一起展望2023,兔 da moon. 26 9am-10pm.💰初五迎财神!CrossSpace和Type V DAO为您带来13场高质量Twitter Space炸裂开年!🧨
我们邀请到近50位华语与日语区的顶尖项目、社区、VC、KOL齐聚一堂,一起展望2023,兔 da moon!🚀
⏰1.26 9am-10pm
25 Jan 2023, 12:12
[🔺아바랩스의 핵심 가치, 실물자산 토큰화를 논하다]
아바랩스(Ava Labs)의 Director of BD, 모건 크루페츠키(Morgan Krupetsky)가 개인 미디엄에서 1) Web3 환경에서 실물자산(RWA)이 갖는 의미와 2) 아바랩스의 핵심 가치인 '실물자산 토큰화(RWA Tokenization)'이 뜻하는 의미를 설명해주었습니다.
아발란체 한국 트위터 계정의 링크로 확인해보세요!👇
📌간단 요약
❇️ RWA: 'Real World Asset'의 줄임말로, 실물경제에서 통용되는 실물(physical)/금융(financial)자산을 의미
❇️ RWA Tokenization: '실물자산 토큰화'란 뜻으로, 전통적인 실물자산을 블록체인 상 디지털 토큰으로 전환하는 행위
❇️ RWA Tokenization이 중요해진 몇 가지 이유?
- 인플레이션에 따른 각국 중앙은행의 금리인상 여파
- 경기 침체와 크립토 윈터 도래에 따른 가상자산 투자의 실효성 재평가
- KKR과 같은 주요 전통금융사의 블록체인 회사(ex. 아바랩스) 파트너십 체결 및 실물자산 토큰화 관심 증가
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺Morgan Krupetsky 미디엄
[아바랩스의 핵심 가치, 실물자산 토큰화를 논하다].[🔺아바랩스의 핵심 가치, 실물자산 토큰화를 논하다]
아바랩스(Ava Labs)의 Director of BD, 모건 크루페츠키(Morgan Krupetsky)가 개인 미디엄에서 1) Web3 환경에서 실물자산(RWA)이 갖는 의미와 2) 아바랩스의 핵심 가치인 '실물자산 토큰화(RWA Tokenization)'이 뜻하는 의미를 설명해주었습니다.
아발란체 한국 트위터 계정의 링크로 확인해보세요!👇
📌간단 요약
❇️ RWA: 'Real World Asset'의 줄임말로, 실물경제에서 통용되는 실물(physical)/금융(financial)자산을 의미
❇️ RWA Tokenization: '실물자산 토큰화'란 뜻으로, 전통적인 실물자산을 블록체인 상 디지털 토큰으로 전환하는 행위
❇️ RWA Tokenization이 중요해진 몇 가지 이유?
- 인플레이션에 따른 각국 중앙은행의 금리인상 여파
- 경기 침체와 크립토 윈터 도래에 따른 가상자산 투자의 실효성 재평가
- KKR과 같은 주요 전통금융사의 블록체인 회사(ex. 아바랩스) 파트너십 체결 및 실물자산 토큰화 관심 증가
원문을 읽어보고 싶다면?👇
🔺Morgan Krupetsky 미디엄
25 Jan 2023, 11:03
(雪崩 NFT 现在可以直接在 Shopify 商店出售,为企业主和创作者创造了新的机会。这不仅仅是简单的 NFT 销售,店主可以提供代币门控体验或将 NFT 绑定到实物产品进行身份验证)
Avalanche「1•25」每日广播站:. 生态动态:.Avalanche「1•25」每日广播站:
(雪崩 NFT 现在可以直接在 Shopify 商店出售,为企业主和创作者创造了新的机会。这不仅仅是简单的 NFT 销售,店主可以提供代币门控体验或将 NFT 绑定到实物产品进行身份验证)
25 Jan 2023, 10:12
RT @avalancheavax: Avalanche is the fastest, and @AndrettiFE Dominated the whole field! 💪
RT @avalancheavax: Avalanche is the fastest, and @AndrettiFE Dominated the whole field.RT @avalancheavax: Avalanche is the fastest, and @AndrettiFE Dominated the whole field! 💪
25 Jan 2023, 09:18
🇯🇵Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30)
全体進行、チェーン分析、ヘッドライン( @RoiSarak )
・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 )
#Avalanche #AVAXJP #アバランチ
Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30). 全体進行、チェーン分析、ヘッドライン( @RoiSarak ). ・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 ). ・質疑応答. ※出演者は変更になる場合があります。.🇯🇵Weekly Avalanche (23:00~23:30)
全体進行、チェーン分析、ヘッドライン( @RoiSarak )
・今週の話題 ( @RoiSarak @kobatake00000 )
#Avalanche #AVAXJP #アバランチ
24 Jan 2023, 21:56
24 Jan 2023, 20:27
RT @artcrypted: Esta unión a través de Ava Labs hará que AWS sea ahora compatible con la infraestructura y el ecosistema dApp de Avalanche,…
RT @artcrypted: Esta unión a través de Ava Labs hará que AWS sea ahora compatible con la infraestructura y el ecosistema dApp deRT @artcrypted: Esta unión a través de Ava Labs hará que AWS sea ahora compatible con la infraestructura y el ecosistema dApp de Avalanche,…